The end of the world, no one saw it coming, not like that.
It happened silently, like a slow poison that eats away hearts and lungs.
The air turned acidic and the colors gradually disappeared.
As the days passed, the eyes of the few survivors had cleared, as if erased, witnesses of the fateful decline.
They became inseparable, almost one being, without any hierarchy.
Sharing a language made of gestures, of synchronized movements and unerring glances.
But how long ago? They didn’t know it anymore.
He was staring at her with an intensity that did not belong to the human world, not to that of beasts, of a nature which was proper to them.
Despite the disappearance of the world they had known, their new existence was like a rebirth, made up of essential needs for their survival and the love that binds them.
They became one and the same soul, moving together in the silence of a dying world, happy to be and live together like a pack.